Baby for sale

 “if money were the only criterion by which a child's welfare can be gauged, then a baby bought for as much as RM40,000 on the black market would seem set for life. For money-rich but child-poor couples, it is a small price to pay to introduce a small life into their home. The cot is gilded, the blanket monogrammed, the college fund filled to the brim. All that's wanting is a bun in the oven. And where there is the baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness. And after all, why not?” (NST. March 3, 2013)

In my opinion, it is not acceptable to buy a baby or children from black market just because you're desperate to have one even when you have more than enough one to do so. By doing so, it reflect that you agree with human trafficking. This involves conscience, human trafficking involve life of others and it is not right to trade people for money. Therefore saying, it makes you a heartless person because you agree with illegal human trade.

The price of a black market baby varies based on such factors as the ethnicity of the baby, and also whether the baby comes with proof of ownership or registration papers. As a rule of thumb, an Asian baby will cost about 60% of a normal baby, and a black baby will cost about 10% of a normal baby. A Russian baby can pass for a white baby in many cases, but a scrupulous baby-seller will not attempt this type of "bait-and-switch". If the baby is damage, they can actually have zero or even negative value. Often the value of a baby can vary by state. For example, a Mexican baby is much more valuable on the border states, where its cavities can be filled with contraband and muled over the border.

How can a human being put a price on a baby, addition to that, the price is based on its race. This is so spiteful, every baby born is a gift from god. Not a subject which you can toy around as of it is nothing.

Instead of adopting a child from black market, use the money to adopt a child in legal way. Money can sure fasten up the process. It is difficult compared to buying from black market. But the government only want to ensure the child will be in a safe hand and will be raised perfectly.